A national charity which helps parents and professionals improve the lives of people with Down’s syndrome has launched a pack of Christmas cards featuring the work of artist Fiona Stevenson, who has been featured in the UK’s best-selling women’s weekly magazine.

One of Fiona’s abstract paintings is among seven designs created by artists, all of whom have Down’s syndrome, to raise funds for Down Syndrome UK and one of its initiatives, Positive about Down Syndrome.

The cards go on sale this week and are available here.

Fiona’s work has been attracting a good deal of attention lately, and she and some of her paintings were recently featured in Take a Break magazine, which boasts a readership of 416,000, as well as a number of specialist art publications.

Fiona was invited to submit a design after one of the Down Syndrome UK team, which also works with policy makers, politicians, education and health professionals, discovered her work, some of which she has exhibited in New York, London and Manchester.

Down Syndrome UK CEO, Nicola Enoch, said: “When we discovered Fiona’s work, we reached out to ask if she would kindly donate one of her images. We were absolutely delighted when she agreed! At DSUK, we’re deeply passionate about showcasing the achievements of individuals with Down Syndrome and celebrating talent within our community.”

Fiona’s mother Mari said: “Fiona was thrilled to be one of the artists selected to create a Christmas card design. Obviously, all our friends will be receiving one of these special cards this year!”

Her bold energetic pieces have also been praised by art historian and journalist Bella Temple-Cass, who says, in a feature on her work in New Wave arts magazine: “Fiona’s paintings, whether large or small scale, infused with vivid colour or monotone, are intimate and emotive.”

View Fiona Stevenson’s virtual galleries here: https://www.fionastevenson.co.uk

Or go to the New Wave home page and click on the arts and culture tab: https://www.newwavemagazine.com

Down Syndrome UK’s Christmas cards feature the work of seven artists
Fiona Stevenson’s work is among those featured in a pack of charity Christmas cards for Down Syndrome UK
Fiona Stevenson’s bold energetic pieces have been exhibited in New York, London and Manchester

For more information and photography please contact Fiona Stevenson’s press officer, Helen Lambell, at Splash PR on 07969 253147.

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